Humans in hallways getting help

The sessions/presentations might be what pique your interest to attend your first word camp, but the conversations had in hallways outside them is what will keep you coming back. Whether you’ve been to 0, 1 or N+1 word camps before, you’ll appreciate how the hallway track offers the highest fidelity opportunities to communicate and share knowledge with others. After all, everyone is both speaker and audience member there!

In the first 15 mins of this session, Jamie will share all the hints to help yourself (and others) get the most out of every hallway track. After that, a series of breakout sessions on pre-selected topics will have us collectively bringing the best parts of the hallway track into a single session.

Pre-selected topics you say? Before July 10th, go to to fill out the Hallway Track Topics of Interest questionnaire. It will identify the biggest overlaps of all attendees:

  • 3 topics you most want to learn about in attending the conference.
  • 3 topics you feel most knowledge/experience to share back with others.

Personalized versions of your answers will also be printed and available in same size as your registration badge / lanyard, making for an easy way to open conversations in the actual hallways with other humans getting/giving help. Especially if you follow the Pac-Man Rule for conversations @ conferences


Published by idealien

Whether it is helping customers automate their business processes through his work with Rocket Genius (Gravity Forms, Gravity Flow and Gravity Experts), or creating custom t-shirts, woodworking and other bespoke products from his workshop with Idealien Studios, Jamie always brings a creative and enthusiastic perspective with him. He learned layout and design from first principles – in no small part to growing up with a Vandercook proof printing press in the basement. As the technology for print changed to digital, so did his skillset with a first resume job doing student newspaper production layout in Quark XPress while getting his Bachelor of Commerce degree at Carleton University. When content and commerce shifted to online tooling he levelled up his digital skills again. First, by helping Lee Valley Tools launch their eCommerce site, followed by deploying multiple WordPress projects within the Canada Post Group of Companies as a mix of analyst, developer and process automation expert. He is equally capable and comfortable working with small business clients to help them scale their limited resources as he is with getting enterprise-scale initiatives to deliver solutions to their staff and customers in a cost-effective manner. Jamie has contributed to WP core, presented multiple times at WordCamps around Ontario, and now is enjoying helping to instigate the inaugural WordCamp Canada eh!

WordCamp Ottawa 2019 is over. Check out the next edition!