Speaker Spotlight: Paul Thompson

Often called a geek translator by his clients, Paul specialises in helping website owners and creators transform the buzzwords of web marketing into business results for bloggers and small/medium businesses as well as enterprise clients.

As an SEO and web marketing consultant at Buzzwords to Business https://www.buzzwordstobusiness.com, Thompson focuses on optimising existing sites into powerful marketing platforms. Using his extensive expertise in technical SEO as a basis, he incorporates audits, custom analytics, content marketing, conversion optimisation, email marketing, and paid search (ah, the buzzwords!), depending on the client’s needs. Thompson also provides one-on-one coaching and training in these areas.

He’s been managing and optimising sites for over 15 years, including stints managing the websites and web marketing programs for Banff Lake Louise Tourism and Travel Alberta, and has been working with WordPress for over a decade now. He’s recently moved from the mountains of the west to the Ottawa Valley. When he’s not at the keyboard, he’s likely on his bike or cross-country skis, or wandering around with his camera and tripod over his shoulder.

Paul will be speaking at 4:30pm on Saturday, July 13th in the Rideau room. His talk is entitled, SEO is Evolving Faster Than Ever. How to survive and benefit from all the recent changes.

Does it feel like keeping up with SEO has been a wild ride the past year?

The one constant in SEO is change, but the past 14 months have been especially turbulent. And the rapid pace of change is speeding up! Hard to know which changes to pay attention to and what to do about them.

Voice Search?
Mobile-First Index?
Quality and E-A-T algorithm updates?
Site speed?
Structured Data and Schema?
Major changes to SEO Tools (Hello, Yoast SEO and Google Search Console!)

You’re not alone in feeling overwhelmed. We’ll get right into the nitty-gritty of understanding the implications of the major changes and nailing down specific strategies and tactics to adjust our thinking and adapt our WordPress sites, content, and processes to succeed in this new reality, while maintaining our sanity. And slay a few sacred cows in the process.

We’ll particularly focus on the needs of small business sites, bloggers and small to medium, e-commerce sites while keeping the jargon under control.

Published by Miriam Goldman

WordPress Developer, Architect, and Tech Lead. WordCamp Ottawa and WordPress Ottawa meetup co-organizer. WordCamp speaker. Karate sensei, and percussionist.

WordCamp Ottawa 2019 is over. Check out the next edition!